Bipolar Express Stop 7: Kava

So, maybe you read over my bipolar panacea (NAC) and know it’s not for you.

Maybe you even actually took it and didn’t have the same results. To that, I say: A.) I’m so sorry. I wish I could offer the feeling of “finally normal” to everyone I know and who I don’t know too and B.) No worries… because there’s more. (There’s always more.) Our next stop on the bipolar train includes some other tried and trues that have worked for me for a very long time.  Interestingly enough, some of the same things I’ve used to uplift me also have served to bring me out of mania. The only issue? A lot of them end up making me sleepy. For me, that’s not a massive problem. My toughest times typically come later in the afternoon/evening when all the distractions of the day have dissipated. When all I’m left with are my thoughts. Around then, I don’t mind powering down altogether. Although it’s been nice remaining sane and functional with NAC 24 hours a day (I know, I know – I’ll shut up eventually about it), there was a time when I didn’t have that option. It was either stay awake in anxiety or hit the cognitive kill switch for the day and avoid too much stimulation.

(My tea cup plus a cozy candle = power down power duo. #CanYouEvenCallThatMonsterACup)

So, yes, I reached for sleepy time herbals.

You can actually find a ton of them on my sister sleep site. Kava was amongst the first of them. My fave? The Yogi tea brand. (I tend to stick with them and Tulsi. They’re just a cut above the competition – both in quality and tea-types that they offer.) I’d steep a bag or two for an extended period and then get lost in the warm cup of cuddles it offered. Holy Basil’s Tulsi tea is another one I loved. The problem? I’ve always been a blend type of a gal (with both my wines and my teas), so I can’t tell you which one is more effective anymore. I always plop a bag of each into my mug when I make this stuff. The result? Phenomenal deliciousness. Kava on its own is already infused with cinnamon and cardamom aromas you’ll float away on. But the added rose flavored Holy Basil by Tulsi, adds a floral kick to it that offers an extra complextiy – a tea cuvee, if you will.

And how does it make you feel? Well, like I said, I steep mine for far too long, so I end up with a crazy strong mix that convinces me life is alright for a while. Everything begins to feel warm. Comforting. Cozy. The busy-ness of your brain slowly starts to dim down like a coruscating fluorescent light transforming into an amber lantern. You can still interact just fine. You can still process information. It’s just that you’re at a lower vibration with higher spirits – if that makes sense. So you may not be much of a conversationalist. When I take this stuff, I enjoy watching some dumb show, huddled in a nice fleece. I won’t necessarily zonk out sitting up. But if I lay down, it is indeed game over.

(Especially if I have this lil nugget by my side…)

One con to this? Kava can affect the liver adversely if taken daily, so be mindful.

Also… when I make my tea this strong, I’m usually in my home, prepping for bed. However, several months ago, I was enjoying this at my then boyfriend’s place before going home for the night. We’d had a couple cups of my special blend while watching some mind bending “Infinity” documentary. (I know – worst thing for your brain if you get anxious after sunset – but I had company.) Anyway, I drank my final cup of tea up until I left, enjoying the glow in imparted on my aura. It was just tea, so I didn’t think twice about driving home. I’d never driven anywhere post tea binge, though. Spoiler alert: I was gonna learn today. I’ll say this: two cups of of my (very strong, mind you) Kava Holy Basil tea mix impaired me more than wine ever has. So, just keep that in mind – and maybe save it for nights in.

Already tried Kava and Holy Basil? Tea not your cup of tea?

Maybe you’ll be into this delicious chewable..

I started using L-theanine back in 2018 and, yes, it day-safe. Learn more here.

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