Bipolar Express Stop 13: Fixing Deficiencies

 Next step on the bipolar express is… doing your research! Bipolar is a complex disorder. However, certain deficiencies can absolutely exacerbate it. Back when I decided to go plant based exclusively (for about five or six years), I knew I needed to watch out for this. I’d already planned to go to the doc to find out if I was missing something from my diet. (Just in case.) But I figured I’d give it a month before I did. Halfway through that month, though, I started to feel a little off. Anxious. Tired. “Sadness spirals” (as I euphemistically labeled by depressive episodes I didn’t realize I was having.) So, I went in earlier. Sure enough, I had a few deficiencies that I was able to improve through diet and supplement. They didn’t disappear, but they did improve. I just resumed “business as usual”, without feeling like I needed fourteen naps before lunch.

(Oh wouldya lookit that. A depression suppressor.)


And what’d I use?

Honestly, just your run of the mill store brand. (I know – not exactly exciting.) What I’ve come to learn is that, quality wise, most of the time it doesn’t really matter what you get. I low key love that no one’s paying me to do these because I can be blatantly honest with you; I can say that I’ve tried both the cheap-o store brand stuff and the fancy artisinal glass jar ones that look like they belong in a hipster apothecary – and guess what? They’re both exactly the same. No diff. It’s just that, with one, you’ve got something prettier sitting in your cabinet. Effectiveness-wise, though, you might as well just buy the $2.99 one, head to the ATM to withdraw the balance you’d have paid for the pretty one, take out your lighter, and ignite the money in front of a homeless man just to show him how much throwaway cash ya have.

That’s how different they’re not and what a waste of money it is.

That said, sometimes I’m lazy. Or sometimes I don’t have time to go between work and other tasks. Then, other times, when my depressive episodes hit – I just don’t wanna be around people. Especially grocery store folk. (The worst – both in their cars and with their carts.) This is when I employ the wonderful world of robots to do my bidding. And, after stalking Amazon for long enough, I decided to go with winner-winner brand “NOW” for a lot of my goodies. I get more for less, I get it fast, and the quality matches the positive testimonials you read about their product. That said, they’re not paying me, so I will restate that going to your grocery store and getting the cheaper version is absolutely going to land you the same results.

But if you’re lazy like me, occasionally grocer-phobic, or don’t need it *now*….

Then ya might like NOW.

Keep reading for more natural bipolar management options.

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